“Great job, Christina! The WildFit program is 100% legit.”

Wildly Fierce

It’s not a diet, at least not in the popular, modern sense of the word. It’s a playbook for the proper “human diet.” It’s a pathway to the healthiest lifestyle possible. It will affect more than your weight. It will boost your energy and longevity. It will bring you confidence and demystify the vast ocean of misinformation around nutrition.

I still have a ways to go on my own personal weight loss journey, but I have peace of mind knowing I’m on the right track to get where I need to be and stay there. I finally know what I’m doing thanks to this great program, and Christina’s leadership!

- Jim

Wildly Fierce
Wildly Fierce

"I am now pain free in my right hip, knee and in the rest of my body!!"

Wildly Fierce

I am so excited that I was introduced to Wild Fit!! This program has been life changing!! Prior to Wild Fit I was really struggling in so many areas of my health and life. I had gained 20 pounds since I began working from home three years ago. Most of the extra weight I carried was in my hips, and my right hip had been bothering me for over a year and it also began to affect my right knee. It was getting progressively worse to where I was starting to struggle with walking just around the block. I had pains in my shoulders and throughout my body, I wasn’t sleeping well and would wake up 2 and 3 times a night, then have a hard time getting back to sleep. I had to barter with my limited amount of energy I had in needing to give it to my work and then have little left over for my husband, children, and family. My feet were looking like dinosaur feet and were severely dry and cracked. The final straw came when I failed my colonoscopy and I was diagnosed with polyps. I am very grateful there were removed and were diagnosed benign, but they were an aggressive growing kind where I was asked to come back in 3 years instead of 5 for another colonoscopy. It was at this point where I realized I am not liking the trajectory of my life and it scarred me to think where I would be next year or the year after. It was at this point that I prayed for a change of heart and mind.

I am very grateful that the next day my prayer was answered. I received a call from my niece asking if I would be interested in joining her trial class that would certify her as a Wild Fit Coach. I had seen the amazing results that my sister and she had going through this program and I was now more than ready to make a change for myself and my family! I spoke to my husband about it and he understood how important this was to me and said he would join me on this journey! I was eager to get started right away but we needed to wait another two weeks before the class started. Despite my anxiousness to start, the timing was perfect.

The program is outstanding! It takes the journey of what may seem like a thousand miles and breaks it down into manageable, embraceable, and learnable steps. I am 2 weeks into living Wild Fit after completing the program and know that this will be our lifestyle from now on. I am elated to share that I have lost 17.4 pounds…a few more to go but almost there!! I am sleeping deeply through the night and what a gift a sound night of sleep is, it changes everything, your mood, your energy, and more. I had started physical therapy to help with my hip at the time I began Wild Fit and I am thrilled that between Wild Fit and the daily exercises I was given to do, I am now pain free in my right hip, knee and in the rest of my body!! I am back to being able to walk over 2 miles a day, stretching and feeling limber with great energy to spare and without needing to portion it out!! Finally, my feet look like feet again!! I could go on an on about other good things that come out of this, but the most important is I can now look ahead to the future and smile! I am so grateful that this has had such a profound effect on me, my husband, and our children! This class has been a huge blessing and I am both humbled and inspired by the answer to my prayer! I would highly recommend this life changing program to anyone and in particular those who are is sick and tired of being sick and tired!

Living Wild Fit,
Melany Armenta

Wildly Fierce
Wildly Fierce

"Her positive attitude and inspiring motivation gets you through the whole challenge in flying colors."

Wildly Fierce

Wildfit is not any temporary bandaid to mask the symptoms of your health. It is a life style change that is life changing and eye opening that I’m proud to say I’m a part of. It couldn’t have been possible without the excellence of coaching from Christina Raggi who paid close attention to each individual and personally went out of her way to help in every way possible! Her positive attitude and inspiring motivation gets you through the whole challenge in flying colors, not to mention, does an amazing job educating you so you’re prepared to go off on your own. I couldn’t be happier that I came across this opportunity!

Thank you,
Jeannie Kim

Wildly Fierce
Wildly Fierce

"I am, for the first time ever, empowered with caring for myself."

I began this journey because suddenly my wonderful life was turning into a bit of a nightmare. My body was in consistent pain and growing worse by the day. My thumb on my right hand was entirely crooked and could never straighten. As a person who loves long hikes, days of kayaking and adventuring, and going out and dancing all night long to live music, this incessant pain in my body was making all of these activities that I love so much nearly unbearable. Finally, one day after horseback riding I found that it took every effort I could muster to get myself off that horse! Thankfully, this gross embarrassment led to me lamenting to the exactly right person who introduced me to Christina & WildFit. I was not convinced it would work for me. Sure it worked miracles for my friend who happens to be far more motivated and ambitious than myself, and of course it worked for the beautiful Christina who happens to be over ten years my junior, but I figured "what the heck, I obviously need to do something, and I obviously need help".

Ultimately this was the best money and best time ever spent for the benefit of my health. I have received an education in how best to care for myself as I continue this beautiful journey of life. I am, for the first time ever, empowered with caring for myself. My pain is entirely gone and my thumb is straight again!! The water in the fruit? (As opposed to the icing on the cake) is that everyday my clothes fit better, my new wardrobe is more fabulous, I glow a little brighter and my family is naturally, organically enjoying the benefits of the WidFit lifestyle. I am forever grateful to Christina for firmly educating and guiding me with compassion, patience, & joy! I highly recommend Christina as a WildFit Coach to all ready to take their health and vitality to the optimal level!

-Andrea Doffing