Two years ago, I embarked on a mission to improve my mental and physical health and to get my life back on track, and I’d love to do the same for you!

Wildly Fierce
Wildly Fierce

Hi, I’m Christina just a Wildly Fierce and passionate girl wanting to live life to the fullest. I was born in Rome, Italy and raised in beautiful California, before making Orlando, Florida my final home. I absolutely love the water and having lived in both places where they are known for their beaches and springs, makes me feel so incredibly blessed.

Ever since I was little, I loved trying new things; from dancing to ballet & hip hop to playing Volleyball and even cooking. Because I had a passion and curiosity for trying new things, it allowed me to go on some amazing adventures, which are my favorite! For me adventure = new experiences; from trying new foods, to hiking a new trail, or even traveling to a new Country. Those are the things that bring me the most joy and make me want to do them WILDLY!!

I absolutely love to cook! I always have! I grew up with both parents who loved to cook, and it inspired me to continue what they taught me. Now after WILDFIT, I just do things a little differently. Everything I cook is Gluten, dairy, and refined sugar free…but honestly, you can’t even tell the difference 😊 I love cooking so much that every weekend I go live on Facebook and make a new recipe!! Please check them out on my “VIDEOS” page 😊

Wildly Fierce
Wildly Fierce
Wildly Fierce
Wildly Fierce

My journey with WILDFIT started almost three years ago now. I had just had my son, Luciano and felt like everything in my life was spiraling out of control. I did not like my current job, I was 45 pounds overweight, I was barely sleeping, I was suffering from Postpartum Depression, my hair was falling out by the handfuls, I had horrible brain fog, I had zero energy, and could barely keep up with Luciano. I knew I needed to make a change, but I also knew I did not want to go on another “diet”.

“WILDFIT has transformed my life, making me even more passionate abut the things I love, with the energy to get the most out of them”

Wildly Fierce

After a few days of researching online at all the different diet programs out there, and getting completely overwhelmed, I decided to stop focusing on losing weight and focus on my mental health first. For the first 6 months of Luciano’s life, I was in complete denial of my postpartum depression, I just kept saying I have “Mom Brain” and that these sad spells are just because I am overly tired and not getting enough sleep. But when Luciano was 6 ½ month old I had a complete mental breakdown, I cried for 3 days straight, and all my negative thoughts and feelings came flooding in and I didn’t know what to do. When I finally calmed down, I called my doctor and made an appointment to see him.

Wildly Fierce

Right away he knew what was going on, but for me it was hard for me to hear him say, “you are suffering from postpartum depression.” Never in a million years did I think this would happen to me. My whole life I was always told by my friends and family, that I am always so happy, and positive, and could see the good in any situation, so when my doctor told me I had PPD it rocked me to my core! My doctor noticed that I didn’t take the news very well, so he recommended that I go and see a therapist and to take some anti-depressants for a couple of months, just to see if it would help to make me feel better.

My therapist recommended that I start meditating, meditating has been proven to help calm the mind and helps you to focus on more positive thoughts.

I was excited when she suggested meditation as it’s something I naturally enjoy, It had just been a while since I did it. I wasn’t sure which avenues to explore and which Apps were best, but after talking to my mom, she told me about MindValley. MindValley is this amazing platform where you can take classes from the most leading Spiritual Influencers, from across the world and practice what they teach. I learned some of the most powerful meditation & mindset techniques from Marissa Peer, Emily Fletcher, and Vishen Lakhiani; the founder and creator of MindValley.

While on the MindValley App, I saw this 7 Day class to “Breaking Up with Sugar” by Eric Edmeades. I was very curious about this course because I knew that I was definitely addicted to sugar. The program was amazing and for the 7 days I was actually able to give up sugar, because instead of Eric just asking me to give it up, throughout the 7 days I learned what my real relationship with sugar was and why I would reach for a piece of candy instead of something healthy like…Kale!

Wildly Fierce

Because the program was so impactful, and started to change my relationship with sugar, and I loved the way Eric taught his classes, I looked to see if he had any other programs available, and that is when I found WILDFIT!! My mom had taken the class and she kept telling me to do, but initially I was nervous, because I thought it was going to be just another diet program, but because I was so successful with his 7 Day class, I knew this program would also be amazing!!

WILDFIT honestly transformed my whole world!!

I went through the 90-Day program and achieved all of my goals. I released 45 pounds, I got my postpartum depression under control, my hair and skin looked more vibrant and thicker, I got my energy back because I was finally sleeping soundly again, my brain fog went away and I was able to keep up with Luciano, and some days have even more energy than him 😉 lol.

The WILDFIT program continues to affect my life in such a positive way. By becoming a WILDFIT certified coach I vow to transform your life in a safe environment, quickly, gently and extremely effectively. We will work together to aid your confidence, learn to trust yourself and feel empowered to receive massive results and fulfilment in your very precious life.