Wildly Fierce

Here for you on your transformative journey

Are you confused and overwhelmed by the diet industry? Are there foods you know you should be eating more of, but have a hard time staying motivated to eat them?

Are you confused about what foods are actually ‘healthy’? Do your cravings control your food decisions and make you feel helpless? If so, you’re in the right place!! I am a Certified WILDFIT Coach and I can help you. As your coach, it is my mission to help you live happier, healthier lives, and to help you achieve FOOD FREEDOM!!

Wildly Fierce

“Having been through my own personal journey and coming through the other side with a fresh perspective, I wanted to share my experiences and lifestyle choices with anyone interested or looking to transform their current situations, whether it be a healthier behaviours through diet and personalised exercise or focus in general mindfulness and wellbeing.” Christina Raggi

Key Focuses

I can help you to:

* Generate and maintain energy all-day

* Love your body again

* Have a great nights sleep and wake revitalised

* Rejuvenate your skin, wiping years away

* Achieve ultimate food freedom

* Clear your brain fog & gain mental clarity in all areas of your life

* Live your life to the fullest

WILDFIT is the LAST diet you will ever need!

This is so much MORE than a nutrition program. WILDFIT© is also a major personal development journey. You’ll walk away with greater clarity about yourself, why you’ve made the choices you have, and how to create sustainable change in your life (inside AND outside the kitchen). WILDFIT focuses exclusively on nutritional choices and food mindset.

Wildly Fierce
Wildly Fierce
Wildly Fierce
Wildly Fierce


WILDFIT© is a transformational nutrition program that will guide you step by step towards a permanent change in how you eat and think about food. It’s the perfect program for achieving true food freedom. A key WILDFIT principle is that “every living thing has a diet” and that the degree to which a species can stay on its diet is a measure of its health and longevity. This 90-day program focuses on your MINDSET. It is unlike any other program or diet.